EFT Présence

EFT Disclaimer

Why have 10 million people already tried EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques?

Because it works and people speak about it and share their success.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques is easy to use, original and very effective.

Easy – everyone can learn it, the tapping sequence is simple.
Original – lightly tap on acupuncture points while focusing on a thought, a feeling or a painful event.
Efficient – in general, after a few minutes, a change occurs that gives way to a feeling of calm and peace.

You can try if you suffer from physical, emotional or psychological

  • addictions
  • weight problems
  • phobias
  • sleep disorders
  • anxiety
  • relationship difficulties
  • trauma
  • PTSD
  • lack of confidence
  • sports performance
  • bereavement, etc.

Whether you want to experience EFT for yourself or want to learn it in order to use it professionally, take the time to explore this site.


“Thank you Marion for teaching me Matrix Reimprinting. For a month now, it has become my main practice. I feel very comfortable with. It quickly highlights different aspects of the problem. “
Odile, France
Thank you for letting us know Matrix is a” little treasure “, quantum beautiful and magical.
Gratitude also Karl Dawson who surfed EFT Gary Craig.”
Monique, France
Using EFT for a long time under my general practice, I decided to validate my experiences this year with Marion Blique. Just returning from a week of live two for both EFT and Matrix 2, I am excited about this sharing of skills under the leadership of this great teacher.
BC, France

About EFT Presence

Welcome to my website, EFTPresence. I use EFT because it is a gentle and incredibly effective technique. It can be used in addition to any therapeutic modality and in any context: medical, psychological, educational, somatic, athletic, musical, wellness etc….

Why Presence?
Because I use a high quality of presence (attention, listening, and attunement to another person or situation) as a critical element in the efficacy of my work .

In this site I will share with you some ideas and tools that have inspired me and inform my work over these past 35 years. [my bio…]

Marion Blique


Although EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques can be applied in self-care, very often a time comes when one is unable to advance on one’s own. Painful or traumatic events may resurface and then professional help is needed. It is a good time to schedule a consultation.



EFT is a simple and easy technique to learn at first sight, but in fact in order for it to be really effective, some key concepts and techniques need to be learned.

That is done through 3 successive workshops during which many techniques, strategies and nuances are learned and practiced in small groups during the 2 day workshops.

I am a certified trainer in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and my workshops give you a certification following a precise curriculum and steps. [more…]


I also offer advanced courses that I developed over the years, to share technical, therapeutic models, advanced strategies to increase the efficacy of the technique. Advanced workshops cover Ego-states (parts of the personality) and Attachment disorder (problems in early attachment often lead to difficulties in creating deep and harmonious relationships in adult life).

I regularly teach in the US, Canada and France and offer all these courses
[see calendar…]

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