Unbeknownst to us, we all have a precise attachment style, a way to interact in our intimate relationships. They are based on the 4 attachments styles established in our early childhood. We know now, thanks to Bowlby, a British psychologist who discovered these attachments styles in the 50’s.
The latest discoveries in neurosciences, in particular the development of the infant brain, confirm that it is in the relationship with the mother, or the person taking care of the baby, that we develop our personality, our intelligence, and our capacity to self-regulate our nervous system. It is also how we learn to understand and deal with our emotions. In short, the bond with her caretaker informs the beliefs we form about ourselves, others and the world.
AEDP is an experiential therapeutic model created by Diana Fosha, where the therapist creates safety from the beginning. The patient and therapist work collaboratively on the patient’s issues, tracking moment to moment, noticing how the body reacts to the spoken word, and to the feelings experienced in the moment. The therapist in the moment is seeing and hearing the person through his heart, mind and body.
This corrective relational experience with the therapist helps the patient to regain energy and vitality, as well as a decrease in their level of anxiety. It is this new relational experience, privileging the positive, affirming the value of the client, that is at the heart of AEDP, creating a bond of trust and affection.
Core emotions: fear, anger, sadness, disgust, joy, excitement, and sexual excitement are meant to help us survive. They are wired in. When they are triggered, some physical changes happen in the body that lead us to take some action and adapt to survive a specific moment in life. Emotions inform us about our environment and how it impacts us. Emotions are located in our mid brain, thus escape our conscious control. They rise very fast and automatically, propelling us to act. Most of us are disconnected to our emotions or have a hard time to control them.
Therapeutic Models I Use
Whatever therapeutic model I use, I employ a very somatic/emotional approach, tracking moment to moment the experience in the client’s body, freeing the emotional blocks and therefore allowing the adaptive action tendency wired in us.
The AEDP model helps me to create a safe and attentive bond to the people I work with.
I use EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, to ease the intensity of emotions when needed or help some blocked clients to open to feeling their body in a new way. I also teach my clients some points they can use in their daily life to ride emotional waves more gently.
Another big part of my work uses MatrixReimprinting® (see MatrixReimprinting® section) to go back in time and work on some traumatic scenes from the past, clearing the powerlessness and the hurts and transforming them in a way clients would have liked these past experiences to have happened. MatrixReimprinting® is more than a portrayal. It allows, with the help of tapping of EFT points, to reimprint, or rewire new positive sensations of power and agency.
The blend of all these different modalities creates a powerful therapeutic model based on the power of positivity and on the loving therapeutic connection in the here and now.
“Thank you Marion for teaching me Matrix Reimprinting. For a month now, it has become my main practice. I feel very comfortable with. It quickly highlights different aspects of the problem.”- Odile”
“Thank you for letting us know Matrix is a” little treasure “, quantum beautiful and magical. Gratitude also Karl Dawson who surfed EFT Gary Craig.” – Monique
Using EFT for a long time under my general practice, I decided to validate my experiences this year with Marion Blique. Just returning from a week of live two for both EFT and Matrix 2, I am excited about this sharing of skills under the leadership of this great teacher.” – BC
About EFT Presence
Why Presence?
Because I use a high quality of presence (attention, listening, and attunement to another person or situation) as a critical element in the efficacy of my work .
In this site I will share with you some ideas and tools that have inspired me and inform my work over these past 35 years. [my bio…]